Sunday, January 26, 2014

I am only human

I heard this song on the radio the other day. I realized how much I can relate to it. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A very inspiring song

I saw Frozen soon after everything went crazy. "Let it go" is very inspiring and that is exactly what I need to do. Plus, Idina Menzel is amazing!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

I love photography

These are photos that I have taken the past couple of years. I thought they came out very well.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The day that everything changed

"rain brings life
love can be heartbreaking
life is always uncertain
but it will be worth it in the end"

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Oh, how pretty

One of my favorite things to knit is lace. I was looking at the magazines at the grocery store today and saw the Vogue Knitting magazine. I was looking through it and saw the  lace patterns. They were beautiful. Most of them were shawls and I enjoy making them. What I love about lace knitting is getting to see the pattern as it is completed row by row.
Tilli Tomas Mermaid Shawl #210

Saturday, January 4, 2014

The research

Going off from the idea that I posted about the other day, I spent some time researching the turn of the century. I looked up names that I would use for some of the characters, fashion, and different facts about the society. It is coming along bit by bit.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Old soul in the modern day

Last night, while I was reading  a story before I went to bed and a plot for something that I could write came to my head. I had to type it on my phone before I forgot it. Here are my notes:
A girl from lower class escapes her abusive father. An elderly woman from another town brings her in as a relative. She then meets a young man.
I love stories with romance and are back in time. I always tell myself that I am an old soul. I think that I belong in the early 1900's, about the time of "Downton Abbey."